A Biblical Manifesto
A Biblical Manifesto
In this time of profound pain, outrage, and confusion in our nation and our communities, brought about by generations of systemic injustice, private oppression, and individual indifference, especially towards the Black community, and ignited by the present abuses of power, the divisive rhetoric of leading voices, and the polarized state of our society,
And whereas faith, religion, and the bible have variously been dismissed, abused, confused, and used for personal gain and political agendas,
And whereas we believe the Bible’s teaching that God’s judgment begins with his followers, the church,
We believe it necessary to speak up as followers of Jesus Christ, called to be the church and who seek to uphold the teachings of his word, to clarify and reiterate the message of Jesus as presented in the Bible.
We believe this is a time for the church to humble itself, to repent and lament the sins of the past as well as the present, specifically for the sin of racism, ethnocentrism, and racial injustice, whether from omission or commission, whether individual or communal, whether out of active hate or passive indifference.
We believe this is a time for the church to stand up and speak out for the oppressed, the vulnerable, and for those who have suffered on account of a history of systemic injustice and abuse of power in our society.
We believe this is a time for the church to advocate and agitate for justice, equality, and reconciliation between the many ethnic and racial groups in our society, and to highlight the inherent dignity of all humanity as decreed by God in creating every person as divine image-bearers.
We believe this is a time for the church to promote true unity and harmony in our society, which cannot be accomplished by the compromise of our values and convictions, but rather through courageous advocacy and peaceful activism.
We believe this is a time for the church to put away personal ambition, institutional self-protection, and political agendas that only adds to the confusion, and sows greater division in our society.
We believe this is a time for the church to implement practices that promote healing, diversity, and inclusion in our leadership, our fellowship, and in our hearts.
We believe this is a time for the church to prioritize the teaching of Jesus Christ, who alone has all authority in heaven and on earth, and who taught his followers to love our enemy and to pray for those who oppose us, and to proclaim his message of love, forgiveness, and hope as accomplished through his sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the dead.
We declare this Biblical Manifesto to everyone who names Jesus as Lord, in order that we, the church, would be a more faithful and clear witness to a watching and hurting world.