Mission & Values


The mission of Cross Community is to advance human dignity, equity, and flourishing in Montgomery County, Maryland and to assist the faith sector to be more effective in building community, empowering hope, and transforming lives.

Building Community | Empowering Hope | Transforming Lives


Grace – is God’s power in and posture towards humanity. Grace compels us and informs us how we ought to think and live; it heals our brokenness and humbles our self-righteousness. It causes us to be kind and true.

Dependence – is accepting the truth that we live and move and have our being in God. Through prayer and abiding in the Father’s love, we strengthen our relationship with God, we connect to spiritual power, and we glorify God in our weakness.

Dignity – is our starting conviction about every person that exists and all who enter our lives. Every human being has inherent dignity and equality before God and is worthy of respect and value on account of bearing God’s image.

Diversity – is inherent in the Godhead as well as in the gospel. Just as the three Persons of the Trinity live and love in harmony, so also the gospel unites people from all nations, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Uniformity is less complicated, but it is more bland; diversity demands listening and seeking mutual understanding, which like a diamond, brings beauty to complexity.

Hospitality – is the divine welcome that God demonstrates to us in the gospel and it is what we want to characterize our lives. It welcomes the lonely, the strangers, the lost into our hearts and into our lives.